
Tuesday, 6 May 2014

The Raft

From the story

Q1) Where was the raft?In the sea

Q2) What time of day was it?Morning

Q3) What animals were on the beach?A dog

Q4) Where did the child want to take the raft?Home

Q5) What happened in the morning?The kid ran back to the beach

I wonder if the raft

Q1) Who made the raft?A kid

Q2) Where was this beach?By the sunset

Q3) What’s the raft made out of?
Q4) What happened to the raft?It rested quietly

Finish these sentences

My raft is made out of wood

Im going to sail my raft to NZ

Monday, 5 May 2014

Deep sea submersible

A tank is under a submarine they put whether to go down to deep ocean when they to go up they take the water out.  
submersible is miniature boat that goes all the way down the  wings helps them to go assocs the sea.Scientists use these for explomtion